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Coaching Comments: Big numbers (Double bogies and above are caused by the following things)IMG_0143

1- A poor shot being hit by a player then taking an ill advised chance at a risky recovery. You didn’t get in this position because you are in control of your ball, what makes you think you can tread a needle in your recovery effort!

2- A poor shot being hit by an angry player hitting the next shot before cooler minds prevail.

3- A shot trying to be played outside the players skill level!

4- A shot game not strong enough to play straight forward shots on an as needed basis.

5- A player in violation of his/her PRE SHOT routine therefore getting out of a successful playing rhythm.

ALL of these above are in my humble opinion UNFORCED ERRORS and should NEVER OCCUR! These are all directly related to being a disciplined intelligent player or NOT!

If the above 5 areas where addressed by the average club player as a matter of his/her “PERSONAL GAME OWNERSHIP RULES OF PLAY” they would be on an average of 5 shots better (1 shot per rule / per round played)