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How many people do you think I have seen in my career swing the club violently from outside to in across the intended target line or commonly referred to as over the top? Wouldn’t you like to eliminate those awful deep gouges and those awful pulls slice? What if we had a fool proof way to retrain the path the club travels on eliminating the dreaded OVER THE TOP CHOP!


A drill is only helpful if it’s done the right way. Let’s explain he correct way to do the drill. My 2 x 4 Drill, can help identify and correct one of the causes of a slice – the over­ the-top chop. The drill is straightforward and very easy to set up, but I observe many students doing it incorrectly, and maybe you make the same mis­takes. Here’s how to set it up properly.

Tom Patri_Stop the Chop

Place a 2 x 4 on its narrow edge, not flat (SEE PHOTO). Use a 7 iron and tee up a ball near the front third of the 2 x 4, exactly one club head width from the board. Any closer to the board is too difficult, any farther from it gives you room to cheat.

When set up correctly, this drill provides instant feedback. As a visual obstacle, the board WILL train the brain to direct your club to approach the ball from a more inside path. If your club strikes the board, you’re still swinging from out to in. Repeat the drill, taking care to set it up correctly, and before long you’ll be on the inside path to ending your slice forever.

Tom is a former Met PGA Teacher of the Year as well as a former South Florida Teacher of the Year. Tom is The Director of Instruction at The Hawthorns May ~ October in Fishers, In. and teaches at The Esplanade in Naples, Fl. November-April.

Contact Tom for lesson time at either location by emailing: