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TPGS Tips to Improve Your Golf Game

Checkpoints of a good finish

Checkpoints of a good finish

Checkpoints of a good finish: Left foot flat, right foot vertical Knees touching Hips and shoulders level Torso vertical and facing the target Hands finish over left shoulder Head level and eyes finding ball flight     YOU CAN GET A FREE VIDEO GOLF LESSON FROM TOM PATRI TO IMPROVE YOUR GAME!! Click Here.

Your posture

Your posture

Your posture should be what I refer to as “athletic ready.” Picture a shortstop, a quarterback, a tennis player receiving a serve; they are all “athletic ready.” Slight knee flex, bent slightly forward from the pelvic area, arms in a relaxed position, head in line with the spine. Now you’re ready and able to pivot…

Tension Convention (Part 1)

Tension Convention (Part 1)

The first tee at your local club on Saturday morning is usually a “Tension Convention.” The  average club golfer arrives late, rushes to the tee, makes a few quick practice swings, looks up to see everyone watching, hits a terrible shot, followed by several more, has a bad first hole, and that sets the tone…

Start With the Finish

Checkpoints of the Finish and What They Mean! (PART IV, Conclusion) Continued from blog entry – “Checkpoints of the Finish . . . PART III” 4. BALANCE : I feel balance is a reflection of a pace that a player’s physical attributes allow him/her to maintain control of in a properly sequenced motion. I have never…