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TPGS Tips to Improve Your Golf Game

The Eyes Have It . . .

The Eyes Have It . . .

“The eyes have it.” “Feel is real.” When you eliminate the sense of sight, your other senses are elevated quickly, especially the sense of balance.  I’ll have my students go into a dark room (totally dark/black) and make a lot of full motions. They become very aware of their inability to balance themselves and, in…

The Definition of Insanity

The Definition of Insanity

The definition of insanity:  doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result. Golfers play golf 20-30 years, looking for the answer in the form of new equipment or a quick fix from their golfing buddy. The fact is, if you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you…

Sand Play

Sand Play

Players tend to over-think sand play. At your first opportunity get yourself into a practice bunker and simply try to splash out some sand leaving long, level displacements of sand. You don’t want to leave deep gouges of sand as you also don’t want to NOT contact any sand. . I feel sand play, like…

Buried Lie in a Bunker

Buried Lie in a Bunker

The buried lie in a bunker gives most club players fits of terror. That’s not necessary–simple understanding can cure your ills! When your ball is buried in a “fried egg situation,” don’t open the blade, simply square it up, use the leading edge of the club as a digging device. Place the back edge of…

Punch Shot

Punch Shot

The “Punch Shot” is one that must be in your bag for windy days or those low-hanging tree limbs. One mistake I see most amateurs make here is taking way too little loft, hoping that’s all they need to do, then actually driving the ball into the turf, never getting the ball airborne or getting…

How to Improve

How to Improve

If, this season, a student came to me and said, “Tell me, bottom line, how to improve,” I would tell that person all of your instructional timer this season (that is, time with a coach), as well as all your practice time, would be pitching, chipping, sand play, and putting for one solid season. I…

Chipping the Ball

Chipping the Ball

Chipping the ball around the perimeter of the green is an overlooked art form and certainly an under-practiced area of the game. Fundamentally, aside from mechanical technique, I ask my students to focus not on the eventual target, The Hole, but on practicing making the ball land at a given point. I call this point…

Setup Help

Setup Help

SETUP HELP might do the most good the fastest. Amateurs in general come to their instructor with so many aspects of their setup fundamentally unsound, they are in fact finished before they start. Poor posture, alignment, ball position, grip, and tension levels all lend to major malfunctions during the motion. I’ve never had a student…

Three­foot Putts

Three­foot Putts

Many amateurs are scared to death during short putts of around 3 feet or less. A big part of this is expectation. You expect to make a 3-foot putt!! But ask these same amateurs when the last time they practiced 3-foot putts and they reply that it is boring or 3-footers are “no problem”!! No…