TPGS Tips to Improve Your Golf Game
by Tom Patri | Feb 23, 2014 | TPGS Tips to Improve Your Golf Game
Coaching Comments: Big numbers (Double bogies and above are caused by the following things) 1- A poor shot being hit by a player then taking an ill advised chance at a risky recovery. You didn’t get in this position because you are in control of your ball, what makes you think you can tread a…
by Tom Patri | Feb 23, 2014 | TPGS Tips to Improve Your Golf Game
For amateurs pitching or lobbing the ball over a bunker can be a scary experience. Usually, their fear is greatly increased by a lack of understanding of technique. Amateurs must understand that most short game shots are “specialty shots” and full swing technique rules “need not apply” You’ve heard the term “one piece takeaway.” This…
by Tom Patri | Feb 23, 2014 | TPGS Tips to Improve Your Golf Game
During a time when we hear so much about the shoulder turn, the pivoting of the hips, I feel the structure (radius) of arm swing is overlooked and under-coached. To maintain a proper radius (a major speed source), never allow the right arm at the elbow joint to fold beyond 90 degrees. This will keep…
by Tom Patri | Feb 23, 2014 | TPGS Tips to Improve Your Golf Game
Face is in fact the case. You as a golfer must understand the club face and its conditions. Your goal is to get your club face back to a square position at impact. I feel the face is not the only, but the most dramatic influence of your ball flight. Simply stand in front of…
by Tom Patri | Feb 23, 2014 | TPGS Tips to Improve Your Golf Game
If you find your ball snug up against a deep fringe around the green, but not completely in it, and contact with any club is difficult; try this! Take out your putter and turn it sideways so the toe of the putter is pointing directly at the ball. Make a few rehearsal motions to get…
by Tom Patri | Feb 23, 2014 | TPGS Tips to Improve Your Golf Game
Next time you have a chip shot to hit from the fringe from a less-than-average lie, you might want to try a 7 wood vs. a 7 iron if you carry one. this design of most metal 7 woods leading edges will help you get down and through with little resistance. The length of the…
by Tom Patri | Feb 23, 2014 | TPGS Tips to Improve Your Golf Game
Students often say, “Well, I saw that out-of-bounds right and hit my ball dead left, and I was scared of the lake on the left and pushed my drive dead right.” I’ll answer by saying, “When you drive down the highway at 65-70 mph, do you look at the guard rail or do you look…
by Tom Patri | Feb 23, 2014 | TPGS Tips to Improve Your Golf Game
A reverse pivot at times occurs because your shoulders invert in your backswing rather than rotate level relevant to your address posture. To cure this, grip your club with the head of the club at knee level and make some swings. It may help to do this in front of a mirror. It will help…
by Tom Patri | Feb 23, 2014 | TPGS Tips to Improve Your Golf Game
Swing your club to the top of your backswing. If your right arm (right-handed player) forms a perfect right angle, chances are your left arm is in a relatively extended condition. This is an example of a good backswing radius. Radius, in fact, is a speed source. Try again, only this time purposely cause your…
by Tom Patri | Feb 23, 2014 | TPGS Tips to Improve Your Golf Game
I call transition, that is, when the back swing ends and the down swing begins, “the fork in the road.” This is the moment when most players try to add a little something to their effort and destroy the very fragile sequence that leads to impact. Remember, the road to impact is a very gradual…