by Tom Patri | Aug 16, 2018 | Testimonials
August 2018, I so hope that you made it home safely to Denise and the puppies. It was such a pleasure to have you up in Rhode Island. Next time please bring Denise. I just got off the golf course before dark. Went out on the Range, hit all my clubs for an hour total,…
by Tom Patri | Jul 28, 2018 | Testimonials
July 28 2018, Wow TP thanks for taking care of my clients- they were blown away Mike Callanan
by Tom Patri | Jun 6, 2018 | Tom's Blog, TPGS Tips to Improve Your Golf Game
During much of my 37 years of teaching this game, whenever I have discussed distance control in putting the golf ball, I often refer to the stroke as being symmetrical in nature. I talk about trying to make the stroke alike in terms of backstroke size and pace back and through. Today, I still believe…
by Tom Patri | May 1, 2018 | Tom's Blog, TPGS Tips to Improve Your Golf Game
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by Tom Patri | Apr 17, 2018 | Testimonials
April 2018, Hey Tom, I just wanted to share with you that I shot a 79 yesterday at Olde Cypress… 8 GIR, 6 – 1 puts, 3 – 3 puts and 1 – 7… Have really focused on the tempo, proper finish and quieting the lower body… First time breaking 80 on this course… Thanks!!!!!