By Tom Patri
I call my three vital stations the three cross roads to success.
1: The Launching Pad (some call it the set up)
All systems must be a go here or you will develop a cancer within your motion. I believe most swing cancers begin within the set up. Become a set up expert – Grip, Aim, Stance, Posture.
2: The motion of the backswing
The late and great PGA Professional Bill Strausbaugh Jr. loved the Forefront Drill – He had a student set up and then place the club head 24-36“ in front of the ball and swing back over the ball. For all of you out there who currently perform some type of dysfunctional backswing, video yourself doing the forefront drill. You will be shocked at how the ills of your backswing are minimized if not gone completely.
3: The Strong Post Up (you might call it the finish position)
I believe practicing all the ultra-complete positions associated with a Strong Post Up will pay huge dividends. After all, this is a “target side orientation” in a target game!
One more note, I love practicing these three vital stations of the golf motion in front of a mirror indoors several million times a day. “See ‘n feel” make it real!
Please share this with all of your golf friends, tell them TP said so!